Sagittarius Man

The typical Sagittarius man is an outdoor adventurer. He loves freedom, wide open spaces, sports and life in general – he’s a jovial, happy go lucky kind of guy with a can-do approach to life and to love. Sagittarius man compatibility is wide ranging, since his easy going nature gets along with most other types of personality.


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Energetic and strong, the Sagittarius man typically has a very clear complexion and bright eyes. He looks youthful for his age, and keeps himself in top physical condition, exercising regularly. Very good humored, he is an interesting companion and enjoys joking and laughing. When it comes to love, Sagittarius man compatibility is best with an intellectually minded companion; someone he can debate philosophy with while still having fun.

Freedom is perhaps the over-riding Sagittarian concern, whether it’s freedom to not conform or freedom to move about in the countryside. Because of this, the Sagittarius man may leave it until quite late in life to settle down – if he ever does. He hates to be restricted and may refuse to get married or to make a firm commitment as a point of principle, even when he is genuinely in love. Sagittarius man compatibility requires a partner who understands where he’s coming from on this, and doesn’t take his lack of commitment the wrong way.

The Sagittarius man has a healthy approach to sex and enjoys an adventurous love life. However, he is more interested in the intellectual challenge of a relationship, and on finding ways to experience new interests together. He likes to take risks and will require a lover who is not afraid to be spontaneous and uninhibited. For the Sagittarius man, compatibility is not just skin deep – he wants to find a like-minded soul to journey and grow with.


sagittarius-male-compatibilityWhat You See is What You Get

When a relationship is going well, the Sagittarius man is kind hearted, sociable and straightforward – very much a what you see is what you get kind of man. If his partner is jealous or possessive in any way, however, a different Sagittarius emerges – one that will fight fire with fire. He can be very blunt and tactless, and will not waste words trying to be kind when there is a real argument on the go. Any attempts to manipulate or control him will irk him greatly; Sagittarius man compatibility requires a great deal of respect from the partner, and a lot of trust to allow him to just do his own thing.

In a committed relationship, the Sagittarius man is a fun partner and always a surprise. He’s not the most responsible of providers, and his best partner is a woman who isn’t hung up on material wealth. Money is easy come, easy go as far as he’s concerned, so don’t expect to grow rich with this adventurer – but grow you certainly will, as he takes his partners on a journey of spiritual exploration and learning.

Everything You Want to Know About You and Your Partner

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