Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility: The Sorcerer and the Healer

You might wonder what on earth strong, powerful Scorpio and meek, unassuming Virgo see in one another – and Scorpio and Virgo compatibility does make for an unusual couple. However, the clue to this relationship’s surprisingly high level of success is in the couple’s mythological archetypes. The Sorcerer and the Healer are both mysterious, enigmatic beings, and they both wield magical power of one sort or another. These two have more in common than you might think, and can create an unbeatable team when they fall in love.

Both Virgo and Scorpio present an inscrutable mask in public, so this couple probably had quite a task in getting to know each other to begin with. Scorpio is not the most sociable sign in the zodiac; Virgo compatibility is slow burning too, so this isn’t a fast moving relationship. They do, however, recognise a karmic bond between them, and they do feel a sense of togetherness right from the start. Once the relationship begins, overtly sensual Scorpio will need to tread softly with more modest Virgo, but in time Virgo will recognise that he or she can trust Scorpio, and will open up and let loose their own surprisingly sexual, earthy nature. Scorpio and Virgo compatibility may begin in the bedroom, but it certainly doesn’t end there.

Although Scorpio’s depths of emotion may sometimes overwhelm the more logical and detached Virgo, both of these signs are seeking security and stability. The Sorcerer admires Virgo’s sure-footedness and rooted, grounded nature, while in turn the Virgo Healer is in awe of Scorpio’s depths and charismatic aura. Insightful Virgo can see through Scorpio’s persona, which both alarms and delights secretive Scorpio; meanwhile, the Sorcerer is known for penetrating insight too, and can more than match Virgo’s knowing mind. For Scorpio and Virgo, compatibility is a blend of opposites, in many ways, but one which works very well given half a chance.

Both Scorpio and Virgo are deeply loyal when in love, and both partners would much prefer to be home alone (together) rather than out in the social whirl, so this makes for an intensely private relationship which can seem somewhat defensive to others. Scorpio in particular feels protective of unassuming Virgo, and will defend the Healer to the ends of the earth and back again. In their own ways, both partners in this relationship are seeking control over their lives, which helps Scorpio and Virgo compatibility over the longer term. Scorpio wants power, whereas Virgo wants order; working together, this couple can achieve both.

Communication will be good in this relationship when Scorpio and Virgo compatibility is working well. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the natural communicator, while Scorpio traditionally is ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. This couple’s debates, although heated, will be productive too, and they will usually find a way forwards through any difficulties. However, Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto, planet of destruction and transformation. In a worst case scenario, Scorpio can overpower Virgo at will, and because Virgo likes to serve someone else, an unscrupulous Scorpio can take advantage of this. Of all the signs in the zodiac, Virgo compatibility with Scorpio can be the most like a dominant/submissive relationship, and not necessarily in a good way. Taken to extremes, this relationship can be very tricky for Virgo to escape from, but fortunately the majority of Scorpios are very far removed from the dark and dangerous stereotypes of their sign.

An unusual but almost fated partnership, this relationship works in a way which outsiders might find hard to understand. Even the couple themselves are not quite sure how and why Scorpio and Virgo compatibility works, just glad that it does. For further insights into your complex relationship, try an Astromatcha star sign compatibility report – based on your dates, times and places of birth, you’ll find much more insight than you can get from star signs alone. Alternatively, if you have a question about Scorpio and Virgo compatibility, ask us – we’re here to help.

Everything You Want to Know About You and Your Partner

One Comment

  1. Hi I was wondering if you could give me and my partner a deeper insight to our relationship.
    I am a scorpio
    Aquarius moon
    Sagittarius ascendent
    Mars in virgo

    He is
    Virgo sun
    Aries moon
    Libra ascendent
    Mars in aries

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