Virgo and Taurus Compatibility: The Healer and the Lover

An old fashioned romance, the Virgo and Taurus relationship is dutiful, sensible, practical and warm. Taurus and Virgo compatibility is very strong as both are earth signs, so they instinctively understand one another. With a love for tradition and common sense, this won’t be an eccentric, outrageous partnership, but it will be an enduring one. For Virgo and Taurus, compatibility is about the long haul.

This couple are, first and foremost, good friends. They sincerely like one another, which is always a good thing for love to blossom. For all Virgo is the Healer of the zodiac, she sometimes struggles to heal her own nerves, but steady Taurus reassures her. Meanwhile, solid, sensible, dependable Taurus is captivated by Virgo’s mercurial mind. Each partner senses something they lack which can be made whole by the other, but their basic earthy nature remain similar enough for them to sympathise with one another. Virgo and Taurus compatibility is based on this similarity of nature, and ensures that there are few nasty surprises for this couple.

Sexually, there is a lot of potential here. Taurus is an extremely sensual sign and although Virgo is modest and can be a little uptight initially, Taurus knows how to break down those barriers. Once the mythical Healer has been wooed by the Lover, Virgo will be sure to brew up a love potion or two to keep the excitement going. For Virgo and Taurus, compatibility works well on a physical level as well as a mental one.

With both partners devoted to hard work, it’s likely to be a practical, successful partnership in terms of living a comfortable lifestyle. Both Virgo and Taurus are open and honest about how they feel, so that helps to limit the emotional dramas. There’s a basic honesty and integrity to the relationship which feels very sincere. These are two quite serious signs, however, and for Virgo and Taurus compatibility to work at its best, there needs to be some humour and frivolity lightening the scene – otherwise these two will take themselves and each other much too seriously.

Although both are earth signs, subtle differences in attitude are shown by the fact that Taurus is a fixed sign while Virgo is a mutable sign. The Taurus partner can easily become stuck in their ways, but Virgo adaptability will help propel Taurus out of that rut and on to bigger and better things. Meanwhile, the Virgo partner can sometimes be their own worst enemy, with self-criticism and a lack of self-confidence causing problems with self-esteem. The fact that Virgo can trust Taurus implicitly will help to mitigate this, much improving how Virgo feels about the world. In this way, Virgo and Taurus compatibility is of mutual benefit to the two signs.

Virgo’s critical nature can sometimes get to even placid Taurus, however, and Virgo must be careful not to nag too much. The more Virgo chides, the more Taurus is likely to dig in their heels and refuse to budge, so this is where Virgo’s flexibility will help, as the Virgo partner learns how best to handle their stubborn mate. Fortunately, Virgo’s Mercury ruler provides excellent communication skills, and Virgo will keep talking until the situation is resolved. In return, Taurus should learn to be more open minded. Virgo likes to consider every option, while the bull just zeros in on an opinion; a little more mental flexibility will be good for Taurus. Helpfully for Taurus and Virgo, compatibility between their two signs is slow burning and long lasting, giving them plenty of time to sort out minor niggles like these.

When it’s working well, Virgo and Taurus compatibility is strong enough for this relationship to feel familiar, comfortable and comforting to both partners. OK, so it’s not necessarily the most exciting of matches, but astrology compatibility is not about who can have the most dramatic tantrums! Check out Astromatcha’s star sign compatibility reports for more information bout how Virgo and Taurus learn, grow and nurture one another. The Healer and the Lover are a very good match indeed, and each may well provide just what the other is looking for in their ideal relationship.

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