Virgo Man and Pisces Woman

Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs, which typically bodes well for a relationship. Indeed, for the Virgo man and Pisces woman, compatibility can be a beautiful thing, but it will take some compromise from both partners.


virgo-man-pisces-woman-compatibilityA Gentle Partnership

The Virgo man and the Pisces woman are attracted to each other first and foremost by their shared sensitivity. The Virgo man, practical and grounded though he is, is surprisingly easily hurt beneath his inscrutable mask. The Pisces woman is the most sensitive of all women, and she wears her heart on her sleeve, ready to be wounded by any passing hurt. Together, the couple sense that they can protect one another, and that each is likely to try hard not to hurt the other. Virgo man Pisces woman compatibility gets off to a good start for this gentle pair.

Virgo man Pisces woman compatibility works well on a sexual level too. It’s an earth/water match, so the earthy sensuality of the Virgo man embraces and soaks up the watery sensitivities of the Pisces woman, enabling her to feel secure and releasing her romantic fantasies. This couple truly appreciate one another in the bedroom, and that mutual appreciation spills out into other areas of life too.

The Virgo man adores his Pisces woman’s imagination and is in awe of her ability to trust her intuition. The Pisces woman admires the Virgo man’s grounded, down to earth nature and is in love with his kind, helpful, dutiful and respectful manner. However, this is a relationship which will always need to balance the Pisces woman’s need for fluidity versus the Virgo man’s need for structure. She will always want their lives together to be a little less fixed; he will always want their lives to be more secure. This is a delicate balancing act, but both Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, so the good news for Virgo man Pisces woman compatibility is that both partners are adept at compromise.


virgo-man-compatibility-pisces-womanInspirational Encouragement

They have much to offer each other. When the Pisces woman is overcome by her strong emotions, the Virgo man provides a safe and secure harbor for her to share her fears and to receive some common sense advice. When the Virgo man gets himself stuck in a rut, the Pisces woman is at his side, whispering inspirational words of encouragement and helping him to take an intuitive leap of faith to change his life. Virgo man Pisces woman compatibility can be highly beneficial for both partners.

Sometimes this couple will annoy each other. The Pisces woman’s constant flights of fancy will start to grate on the Virgo man’s nerves after a while, for instance. And his tendency to worry will rub off on the Pisces woman too, making her own worries even worse. Underpinning their relationship, however, is a lot of genuine affection and respect, and the ability to talk through their problems will see them overcome a lot which other couples would find too hard. Ultimately Virgo man Pisces woman compatibility can be a very sweet, tender and romantic love, and with luck both of these partners can see their way ahead, side by side, for many years to come.

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