5 Ways to Capture Capricorn’s Heart

If you’re in love with a Capricorn, you’ll already know and appreciate this sign’s mature, wise and earthy qualities, but when it comes to compatibility, Capricorn needs certain things from a lover in order to be happy. Contrary to what you might read in your daily horoscope, love compatibility is more complicated than just which Sun signs go together or not, but understanding how Capricorn thinks and feels will go a long way towards deepening and securing your relationship together. Here are 5 ways to capture that Capricorn heart.

1 – Balance Seriousness with Fun

Capricorn is a rather serious and grown up sign, and often feels weighed down with responsibilities and the cares of the world. Your Capricorn lover likes partners who can be serious too, as the big stuff in life really matters to him or her. However, there’s a more humorous, quirky side to Capricorn just waiting to find a way out. Ideally for romantic compatibility, Capricorn needs a partner who can balance seriousness with fun and some spontaneity. There’s a time and a place for everything, your Capricorn believes, and if you can help your lover find and enjoy the time and place for frivolity, you’ll be well on your way towards capturing his or her heart for good.

2 – Learn a New Definition of Romance

If you’re waiting for hearts, flowers, poetry, champagne and surprise holidays, you’ll wait a long time. Capricorn doesn’t “do” romance in the same way as other signs do. For your Capricorn lover, true romance means getting the bills paid on time in order to keep you both out of financial trouble – or perhaps tidying your desk for you, or some other practical gesture. There’s a strong undercurrent of love behind Capricorn’s actions, but the stuff of fairytales they simply are not. If traditional romance is important to you in relationship compatibility, Capricorn may not be your cup of tea – but if you can learn to appreciate the thought and love that goes into a well organised bank balance or a gift of a wall planner, then your Capricorn lover will be thrilled that you understand their motives.

3 – Buy a Sex Manual

As an earth sign, Capricorn is a naturally sensual being, and enjoys an active love life as much as the next person – but your Capricorn lover is extremely keen to get everything right, perfect and just so. Having a “textbook” to follow will please them no end, and they will grow in confidence knowing that they’re pressing all the right buttons, so to speak. Even ardent and experienced Capricorns will get a kick out of working their way through the Kama Sutra; to increase your sexual compatibility, Capricorn would like you to indulge his or her need to hone the skills of love making.

4 – Remove Doubts

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and self-doubt. Although outwardly relatively confident, your Capricorn lover is a seething mass of doubt beneath the surface. Compatibility Capricorn style involves finding someone who can skilfully soothe these doubts and offer plenty of reassurance. Your Capricorn partner is great at taking constructive criticism, but deep down he or she just needs someone to say that they’re doing OK. Be that person, and Capricorn will love you forever.

5 – Offer Commitment

Like all earth signs, Capricorn is really seeking a lifelong partnership, and doesn’t thrive with a partner who doesn’t want to settle down. Even if you’re not sure that your Capricorn lover is “the one”, offer some degree of commitment if you want to keep the relationship alive. This can be as simple as arranging and sticking to the days you see each other, rather than changing things at the last moment. If you are hoping to be together forever, take the plunge into marriage sooner rather than later, because when it comes to compatibility, Capricorn feels much more at ease with a concrete foundation to the relationship. No dithering allowed!

Do you have questions about Capricorn compatibility? Ask our astrologer, or browse our variety of zodiac match articles. Remember, though, for a full and detailed compatibility analysis, you need to go deeper than the horoscope; love compatibility can only really be determined through analysis of both partners’ full birth charts, and for that you need an Astromatcha astrology compatibility report.

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